Remain Insane

Ramblings of an animal loving, people hating, game enthusing, book nerd :D

Top 15 ways to procrastinate April 8, 2013

I have 2 debates tomorrow that I have to prepare for and an assignment due on Friday about insects……. so naturally, here I am 😀 Here is what I think are the best ways to procrastinate and how I have been spending the past few days to avoid all Uni related topics 😀

1) Eating your feelings

Thinking about your assignment? Here, have some chocolate! Wondering if you should start it yet? No, don’t be silly, here, have some chocolate! Worried that its due tomorrow? Here, have some chocolate! Feel ready to start that essay now? Pfft, don’t do that, here, have some chocolate!

Food provides instant gratification, study does not. Therefore Food>Study 😀


2) Sleeping

Do you want be a model student and stay at that computer slaving away for hours on that assignment due next week, or do you want to curl up under those nice warm snuggly covers, shut your poor weary eyes and catch a few z’s in dreamland? Seriously, is this even a question?! 😉

3) Reading Facebook arguments

Casually logging onto your Facebook (which in itself is a procrastination tool ;P), quickly flick through your news feed, same ol’ same ol’ ‘This happened to me today’, ‘Look at this picture of my kid’, ‘Ohemgeeee’, and……. wait! What was that?! *Gasp* 100+ comments, loads of swearing and insults, and *double gasp* they have started used CAPSLOCK?! Let me get the popcorn!

Dis gon b gud

4) Reading an awesome book

You know that book that you have been wanting to read forever but have been reading your textbook instead? Yeah, now is the best time to read it, because nothing makes a book more interesting than directly comparing it to the stuff you have to read for assignments! 😀 Plus they allow you to escape to all sorts of wonderful and interesting worlds! Mine right now is Seven Ancient Wonders by Matthew Reilly, Ancient Egyptian prophecies and jam packed action are a lot more cool than flower pollination strategies 😀

5) Playing games

Want to play Bioshock Infinite with floating cities in the sky, vigors that let you throw fire and have a literal ‘murder of crows’ and has rifts in the time-space continuum?


How about Skyrim where you are the motherfricken Dovahkiin with the ability of the Thuum which allows you to throw people off cliffs, tame dragons and create massive storms out of nothing, all with your voice?


Maybe even Dragon Age where you are one of the two last Grey Wardens, fighting to unite all of Ferelden against the impending Darkspawn blight and the dreaded Archdemon which threaten to destroy the world?


Want to do your homework now?


6) Re-arranging your sock drawer

Which suddenly becomes a whole lot more fun when you should be doing homework instead 😛

7) Playing fetch with the cat

Yes, you heard me, cat, not dog. Oh, didn’t you know that cats play fetch too?! Well ……. at least mine does 😛 He is entertained for at least a good half hour with me throwing him a stick which he will bring back to me, super cute…… and a little strange 😛

Fetch Jasper!

8) Playing dress ups

Crazy wigs, extravagant makeup, funky costumes, doing this is fun anytime of day, procrastinating or not! 😀 I opted for a crazy 80’s rocker wannabe, and sadly, that wig isn’t far off how my natural hair can look sometimes 😛

9) Annoying your better half

Poke them, wrestle them, meow in their ear constantly, hide their stuff, give them a wet willy, pin them down and tickle them, bite them – you’ll soon forget about any study that you are ment to do! Mainly due to an onslaught of retaliation from them, and hence the war begins 😛 My boyfriend is definitely the better half with the things he has to put up with, even when he gets me back 100 times better 😛 ❤

Procrastination can be dangerous 😛

10) Listening to Disney songs

Whenever I remember I once conveniently compiled all my favourite Disney songs into one blog post (which you can find here), study instantly ceases, as I have no choice but to listen to each and every single one about half a dozen times each 😀 Disney songs from your childhood never get old, and should be a must on anyones procrastination to do list 😉

11) Looking up all the gloriously nerdy props that you need want

Like this:

One ring to rule them all….

And this:

Cardcaptors 😀

And especially this:

Gonna catch me an Eevee 😀

A good few solid hours can always be wasted looking up these wonderful items that have absolutely no practical use whatsoever, BUT ARE SO FREAKING AMAZING 😀 I kinda feel like this cat when looking at these types of things:

12) Graciously accepting a sports video game challenge against your boyfriend

At any other time of the day, most girls would decline the challenge knowing that their boyfriend is going to run all over them, but this is procrastination you are talking about so accept the offer damn it! 😛 Who knows, you might even win, I know I have……… once 😛

Wait…. you mean I won? I spose I should be gracious and all…. I AM THE CHAMPION, BOW DOWN TO ME MORTALS! 😀

13) Go onto Google Earth, and out of all the wonderful places you could look at, search for your own house

I can’t really put it any more detail than that…….. so here is a picture of a cat acting like a sir 😛

14) Make random animal noises

For those in desperate need of self entertainment and that have exhaused their supply of procrastination tasks 😀

15) Write a blog about procrastinating and then procrastinate writing it

Like I have been doing for the past few hours 😀 Procrastinating over writing about procrastinating, I think I should join this club: 😛

Until next rambling,


10 Responses to “Top 15 ways to procrastinate”

  1. I have just procrastinated writing by reading this wowzerlol, procrastinatingly-written Procrastinating post! Argh…

  2. Good luck with the supposed studies. My one cat plays fetch (my dog does not). Annoying ones partner is a fabulous way to wile away some time. I’m right with you on this

    • Gemma Says:

      Thanks! 🙂 Haha I knew he couldn’t be the only one that does it, its funny that your dog doesn’t though, perhaps a personality swap? 😛 Its a wonderful time consuming task that is such evil entertainment 😀

  3. one of my cats fetches too! it’s adorable 😀
    oh yeah, and chocolate… yeah 🙂

    • Gemma Says:

      Oh my gosh, I replied to this forever ago and my phone obviously chucked a spaz and didn’t post it 😦 I’m so sorry! Hehe isn’t it wonderful, we get a cat with one of the fun dog qualities without the digging and barking (which is replaced with scratching and howling :P) CHOCOLATE FTW 😀

  4. Woman Says:

    Haha, awesome post!

  5. Emory Says:

    This post is my new best friend. Thank you.

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